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USRN 美国护士课程

NCLEX-RN 课程旨在培养具有国际视野、拥有国际标准、懂得医学英语的国际护士,为目前及未来护理界高端人才提供优质的教学服务...

¥48800.00 48800.00



有效期限: 365天

  • 课程介绍
  • 课程目录
  • 美国NCLEX-RN 执照证书是具有国际公信力的专业认证,拥有NCLEX-RN 证书是晋升为国际护理专业人才的通行证。


    本课程采用全球受欢迎的Saunders 教材,由浅入深地从中西方护理文化差异,护理伦理,基础护理及内外科等,对学生进行全方位考试指导。并对护理评估,诊断,分析,应变,领导,及决策能力进行培训。







    1. 计划参加RN考试学员

    2. 计划在美国、加拿大、新加坡等全球英语国家工作的人员

    3. 计划在国内高端外资医疗机构工作的人员

    4. 从事护理工作的在职务人员及护校毕业生,希望提高自身医学专业英语能力的人员


    1.Safe & Effective Care Environment (31-33%)

    1Management of Care (13-19%)

    2Safety & Infection Control (8-14%)

    2.Health Promotion & Maintenance (8-12%)

    3.Psychosocial Integrity (6-12%)

    4.Physiological Integrity (43-67%)

    1Basic Care & Comfort (6-12%)

    2Pharmacological & Parenteral Therapies (6-12%)

    3Reduction of Risk Potential (13-19%)

    4Physiological Adaptation (11-17%)

    • 前导课程 全部展开

      • RN介绍视频
      • 教材目录及网校使用指南
      • 通过RN考试之后如何去美国工作
      • 词根词缀表—文档
      • 医学单词教学发音 1
      • 医学单词学习读音 2
      • 医学单词学习读音 3,4
      • 医学单词学习读音 5
      • 医学单词学习读音 6
      • 医学单词学习读音 7
      • 医学单词学习读音 8,9
      • 医学单词学习读音 10
      • 医学单词学习读音 11
      • 医学英语学习方法及Nclex-rn考试备考学习方法分享
      • 医学单词教学--解剖学方位及医学术语词缀教学
      • Saunders 9 & Saunders 8 教材对比
    • 医学术语 全部展开

      • CH1 Basic Word Structure 1
      • CH1 Basic Word Structure 2
      • CH2 Terms Pertaining to the body as a whole 1
      • CH2 Terms Pertaining to the body as a whole 2
      • CH5 Digestive System 1-1
      • CH5 Digestive System 1-2
      • CH5 Digestive System 2-1
      • CH5 Digestive System 2-2
    • SAUNDERS 第九版课程讲解 全部展开

      • Chapter 5 Population Health Nursing 1
      • Chapter 5 Population Health Nursing 2
      • Chapter 6 Ethical and Legal Issues 1
      • Chapter 6 Ethical and Legal Issues 2
      • Chapter 7 Prioritizing Client Care I-1
      • Chapter 7 Prioritizing Client Care I-2
      • Chapter 7 Prioritizing Client Care II-1
      • Chapter 7 Prioritizing Client Care II-2
      • Chapter 8 Fluids and Electrolytes I-1
      • Chapter 8 Fluids and Electrolytes I-2
      • Chapter 8 Fluids and Electrolytes II-1
      • Chapter 8 Fluids and Electrolytes II-2
      • Chapter 9 Acid-Base Balance 1
      • Chapter 9 Acid-Base Balance 2
      • Chapter 10 Vital Signs and Laboratory Reference Intervals I-1
      • Chapter 10 Vital Signs and Laboratory Reference Intervals I-2
      • Chapter 10 Vital Signs and Laboratory Reference Intervals II-1
      • Chapter 10 Vital Signs and Laboratory Reference Intervals II-2
      • Chapter 11 Nutrition 1
      • Chapter 11 Nutrition 2
      • Chapter 12 Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Client I-1
      • Chapter 12 Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Client I-2
      • Chapter 12 Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Client II-1
      • Chapter 12 Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Client II-2
      • Chapter 12 Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Client III-1
      • Chapter 12 Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Client III-2
      • Chapter 13 Safety and Infection Control 1
      • Chapter 13 Safety and Infection Control 2
      • Chapter 14 Medication Administration and Intravenous Therapies 1
      • Chapter 14 Medication Administration and Intravenous Therapies 2
      • Chapter 15 Perioperative Nursing Care 1
      • Chapter 15 Perioperative Nursing Care 2
      • Chapter 16 Hygiene, Mobility, and Skin Integrity 1
      • Chapter 16 Hygiene, Mobility, and Skin Integrity 2
      • Chapter 17 Urinary and Bowel Elimination 1
      • Chapter 17 Urinary and Bowel Elimination 2
      • Chapter 18 Theories of Growth and Development 1
      • Chapter 18 Theories of Growth and Development 2
      • Chapter 19 Growth, Development, and Stages of Life 1-1
      • Chapter 19 Growth, Development, and Stages of Life 1-2
      • Chapter 19 Growth, Development, and Stages of Life 2-1
      • Chapter 19 Growth, Development, and Stages of Life 2-2
      • Chapter 19 Growth, Development, and Stages of Life 3
      • Chapter 20 Care of the Older Client
      • Chapter 21 Reproductive System 1
      • Chapter 21 Reproductive System 2
      • Chapter 22 Prenatal Period 1-1
      • Chapter 22 Prenatal Period 1-2
      • Chapter 22 Prenatal Period 2-1
      • Chapter 22 Prenatal Period 2-2
      • Chapter 23 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy 1-1
      • Chapter 23 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy 1-2
      • Chapter 23 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy 2-1
      • Chapter 23 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy 2-2
      • Chapter 24 Labor and Birth 1
      • Chapter 24 Labor and Birth 2
      • Chapter 25 Problems with Labor and Birth 1
      • Chapter 25 Problems with Labor and Birth 2
      • Chapter 26 Postpartum Period 1
      • Chapter 26 Postpartum Period 2
      • Chapter 27 Postpartum Complications 1
      • Chapter 27 Postpartum Complications 2
      • Chapter 28 Care of the Newborn 1-1
      • Chapter 28 Care of the Newborn 1-2
      • Chapter 28 Care of the Newborn 2-1
      • Chapter 28 Care of the Newborn 2-2
      • Chapter 28 Care of the Newborn 3-1
      • Chapter 28 Care of the Newborn 3-2
      • Chapter 29 Maternity and Newborn Medications 1
      • Chapter 29 Maternity and Newborn Medications 2
      • Chapter 30 Integumentary Problems
      • Chapter 31 Hematological Problems
      • Chapter 32 Oncological Problems 1
      • Chapter 32 Oncological Problems 2
      • Chapter 33 Metabolic and Endocrine Problems 1
      • Chapter 33 Metabolic and Endocrine Problems 2
      • Chapter 34 Gastrointestinal Problems 1-1
      • Chapter 34 Gastrointestinal Problems 1-2
      • Chapter 34 Gastrointestinal Problems 2-1
      • Chapter 34 Gastrointestinal Problems 2-2
      • Chapter 34 Gastrointestinal Problems 3
      • Chapter 35 Eye, Ear, and Throat Problems
      • Chapter 36 Respiratory Problems 1-1
      • Chapter 36 Respiratory Problems 1-2
      • Chapter 36 Respiratory Problems 2-1
      • Chapter 36 Respiratory Problems 2-2
      • Chapter 37 Cardiovascular Problems 1-1
      • Chapter 37 Cardiovascular Problems 1-22
      • Chapter 37 Cardiovascular Problems 2-1
      • Chapter 37 Cardiovascular Problems 2-2
      • Chapter 38 Renal and Genitourinary Problems 1
      • Chapter 38 Renal and Genitourinary Problems 2
      • Chapter 39 Neurological and Cognitive Problems 1-1
      • Chapter 39 Neurological and Cognitive Problems 1-2
      • Chapter 39 Neurological and Cognitive Problems 2-1
      • Chapter 39 Neurological and Cognitive Problems 2-2
      • Chapter 40 Musculoskeletal Problems 1
      • Chapter 40 Musculoskeletal Problems 2
    • Unit II Professional Standards in Nursing 全部展开

      • Chapter 5 Care of Special Populations I
      • Chapter 5 Care of Special Populations II
      • Chapter 6 Ethical and Legal Issues
      • Chapter 7 Prioritizing Client Care 1
      • Chapter 7 Prioritizing Client Care 2
    • Unit III Foundations of Care 全部展开

      • Chapter 8 Fluids and Electrolytes I
      • Chapter 8 Fluids and Electrolytes II-1
      • Chapter 8 Fluids and Electrolytes II-2
      • Chapter 9 Acid-Base Balance
      • Chapter 10 Vital Signs and Laboratory Reference Intervals I-1
      • Chapter 10 Vital Signs and Laboratory Reference Intervals I-2
      • Chapter 10 Vital Signs and Laboratory Reference Intervals II-1
      • Chapter 10 Vital Signs and Laboratory Reference Intervals II-2
      • Chapter 11 Nutrition 1
      • Chapter 11 Nutrition 2
      • Chapter 11 Nutrition 3
      • Chapter 12 Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Clients Ⅰ
      • Chapter 12 Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Clients II-1
      • Chapter 12 Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Clients II-2
      • Chapter 12 Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Clients II-3
      • Chapter 12 Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Clients III-1
      • Chapter 12 Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Clients III-2
      • Chapter 13 Provision of a Safe Environment 1
      • Chapter 13 Provision of a Safe Environment 2
      • Chapter 14 Calculation of Medication and Intravenous Prescriptions 1
      • Chapter 14 Calculation of Medication and Intravenous Prescriptions 2
      • Chapter 15 Perioperative Nursing Care I
      • Chapter 15 Perioperative Nursing Care II-1
      • Chapter 15 Perioperative Nursing Care II-2
      • Chapter 16 Positioning Client 1
      • Chapter 16 Positioning Client 2
      • Foundations of Care (Q&A) - 随堂测试+习题讲解 1
      • Foundations of Care (Q&A) - 随堂测试+习题讲解 2
    • Unit IV Growth and Development Across the Life Span 全部展开

      • Chapter 17 Theories of Growth and Development
      • Chapter 18 Growth, Development, and Stages of life I-1
      • Chapter 18 Growth, Development, and Stages of life I-2
      • Chapter 18 Growth, Development, and Stages of life II-1
      • Chapter 18 Growth, Development, and Stages of life II-2
      • Chapter 19 Care of the Older Client 1
      • Chapter 19 Care of the Older Client 2
      • Growth and Development (Q&A)- 随堂测试+习题讲解
    • Unit V Maternity Nursing 全部展开

      • Chapter 20 Reproductive System 1
      • Chapter 20 Reproductive System 2
      • Chapter 21 Prenatal Peirod I-1
      • Chapter 21 Prenatal Peirod I-2
      • Chapter 21 Prenatal Peirod II
      • Chapter 22 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy I-1
      • Chapter 22 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy I-2
      • Chapter 22 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy II-1
      • Chapter 22 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy II-2
      • Chapter 22 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy III
      • Chapter 23 Labor and Birth I
      • Chapter 23 Labor and Birth II-1
      • Chapter 23 Labor and Birth II-2
      • Chapter 24 Problems with Labor and Birth
      • 酸碱平衡
      • Chapter 25 Postpartum Period 1
      • Chapter 25 Postpartum Period 2
      • Chapter 26 Postpartum Complications 1
      • Chapter 26 Postpartum Complications 2
      • Chapter 27 Care of the Newborn I-1
      • Chapter 27 Care of the Newborn I-2
      • Chapter 27 Care of the Newborn II
      • Chapter 27 Care of the Newborn III-1
      • Chapter 27 Care of the Newborn III-2
      • Chapter 28 Maternity and Newborn Medication 1
      • Chapter 28 Maternity and Newborn Medication 2
      • Maternity (Q&A)- 随堂测试+习题讲解
    • Unit VI Pediatric Nursing 全部展开

      • Chapter 29 Integumentary problems (Pediatric)
      • Chapter 30 Hematological Problems (Pediatric)
      • Chapter 31 Oncological problems 1 (Pediatric)
      • Chapter 31 Oncological problems 2 (Pediatric)
      • Chapter 31 Oncological problems 3 (Pediatric)
      • Chapter 32 Metabolic and Endocrine Problems 1 (Pediatric)
      • Chapter 32 Metabolic and Endocrine Problems 2 (Pediatric)
      • Chapter 33 Gastrointestinal Problems (Pediatric) I-1
      • Chapter 33 Gastrointestinal Problems (Pediatric) I-2
      • Chapter 33 Gastrointestinal Problems (Pediatric) II-1
      • Chapter 33 Gastrointestinal Problems (Pediatric) II-2
      • Chapter 33 Gastrointestinal Problems (Pediatric) II-3
      • Chapter 34 Eyes, Ear, and Throat Problems (Pediatric)
      • Chapter 35 Respiratory Problems (Pediatric) I
      • Chapter 35 Respiratory Problems (Pediatric) II
      • Chapter 36 Cardiovascular Problems (Pediatric) I
      • Chapter 36 Cardiovascular Problems (Pediatric) II
      • Chapter 37 Renal and Genitourinary Problems (Pediatric)
      • Chapter 38 Neurological and Congnitive Problems (Pediatric)
      • Chapter 39 Musculoskeletal Problems (Pediatric)
      • Chapter 40 Immune Problems and Infectious Diseases (Pediatric)
      • Chapter 41 Pediatric Medication Administration and Calculations
      • Pediatric (Q&A)- 随堂测试+习题讲解
    • Unit VII Adult Nursing 全部展开

      • Chapter 42 Integumentary Problems I
      • Chapter 42 Integumentary Problems II-1
      • Chapter 42 Integumentary Problems II-2
      • Chapter 42 Integumentary Problems II-3
      • Chapter 43 Integumentary Medications
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems I-1
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems I-2
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems I-3
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems II-1
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems II-2
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems III-1
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems III-2
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems IV-1
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems IV-2
      • Chapter 45 Oncological & Hematological Medications
      • Chapter 46 Endocrine Problems I-1
      • Chapter 46 Endocrine Problems I-2
      • Chapter 46 Endocrine Problems II-1
      • Chapter 46 Endocrine Problems II-2
      • Chapter 46 Endocrine Problems III-1
      • Chapter 46 Endocrine Problems III-2
      • Chapter 47 Endocrine Medications 1
      • Chapter 47 Endocrine Medications 2
      • Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems I-1
      • Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems I-2
      • Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems II-1
      • Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems II-2
      • Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems III-1
      • Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems III-2
      • Chapter 49 Gastrointestinal Medications 1
      • Chapter 49 Gastrointestinal Medications 2
      • Chapter 50 Respiratory Problems I-1
      • Chapter 50 Respiratory Problems I-2
      • Chapter 50 Respiratory Problems II-1
      • Chapter 50 Respiratory Problems II-2
      • Chapter 51 Respiratory Medications
      • Chapter 52 Cardiovascular Problems I-1
      • Chapter 52 Cardiovascular Problems I-2
      • Chapter 52 Cardiovascular Problems I-3
      • Chapter 52 Cardiovascular Problems II-1
      • Chapter 52 Cardiovascular Problems II-2
      • Chapter 52 Cardiovascular Problems III-1
      • Chapter 52 Cardiovascular Problems III-2
      • Chapter 52 Cardiovascular Problems IV-1
      • Chapter 52 Cardiovascular Problems IV-2
      • Chapter 53 Cardiovascular Medications 1
      • Chapter 53 Cardiovascular Medications 2
      • Chapter 54 Renal and Urinary Problems I-1
      • Chapter 54 Renal and Urinary Problems I-2
      • Chapter 54 Renal and Urinary Problems II-1
      • Chapter 54 Renal and Urinary Problems II-2
      • Chapter 55 Renal and Urinary Medications
      • Chapter 56 Eye and Ear Problems 1
      • Chapter 56 Eye and Ear Problems 2
      • Chapter 57 Eye and Ear Medications 1
      • Chapter 57 Eye and Ear Medications 2
      • Chapter 58 Neurologic Problems I-1
      • Chapter 58 Neurologic Problems I-2
      • Chapter 58 Neurologic Problems II-1
      • Chapter 58 Neurologic Problems II-2
      • Chapter 59 Neurological Medications 1
      • Chapter 59 Neurological Medications 2
      • Chapter 60 Musculoskeletal Problems I-1
      • Chapter 60 Musculoskeletal Problems I-2
      • Chapter 60 Musculoskeletal Problems II-1
      • Chapter 60 Musculoskeletal Problems II-2
      • Chapter 61 Musculoskeletal Medications
      • Chapter 62 Immune Problems
      • Chapter 63 Immune Medications 1
      • Chapter 63 Immune Medications 2
      • Chapter 64 Foundations of mental health nursing I-1
      • Chapter 64 Foundations of mental health nursing I-2
      • Chapter 64 Foundations of mental health nursing II-1
      • Chapter 64 Foundations of mental health nursing II-2
      • Chapter 65 Mental Health Problems I-1
      • Chapter 65 Mental Health Problems I-2
      • Chapter 65 Mental Health Problems II-1
      • Chapter 65 Mental Health Problems II-2
      • Chapter 65 Mental Health Problems III-1
      • Chapter 65 Mental Health Problems III-2
      • Chapter 66 Addictions 1
      • Chapter 66 Addictions 2
      • Chapter 67 Crisis Theory and Intervention I-1
      • Chapter 67 Crisis Theory and Intervention I-2
      • Chapter 67 Crisis Theory and Intervention II-1
      • Chapter 67 Crisis Theory and Intervention II-2
      • Chapter 68 Psychiatric Medications I-1
      • Chapter 68 Psychiatric Medications I-2
      • Chapter 68 Psychiatric Medications II-1
      • Chapter 68 Psychiatric Medications II-2
    • Unit VIII Complex Care 全部展开

      • Chapter 69 Complex Care I-1
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care I-2
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care II-1
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care II-2
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care III-1
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care III-2
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care IV-1
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care IV-2
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care V-1
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care V-2
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care VI-1
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care VI-2
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care VII-1
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care VII-2
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care VIII-1
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care VIII-2
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care IX-1
      • Chapter 69 Complex Care IX-2
    • 习题讲解 全部展开

      • 20230607-Saunders 9版习题讲解 1-1
      • 20230607-Saunders 9版习题讲解 1-2
      • 20230609-Saunders 9版习题讲解 2-1
      • 20230609-Saunders 9版习题讲解 2-2
      • 20230726-Saunders 9版习题讲解 3-1
      • 20230726-Saunders 9版习题讲解 3-2
      • 20230829-Saunders 9版习题讲解 4-1
      • 20230829-Saunders 9版习题讲解 4-2
      • 20230930-Saunders 9版习题讲解 5-1
      • 20230930-Saunders 9版习题讲解 5-2
      • 20231027-Saunders 9版习题讲解 6-1
      • 20231027-Saunders 9版习题讲解 6-2
      • 20231130-Saunders 9版习题讲解 7-1
      • 20231130-Saunders 9版习题讲解 7-2
      • 20240104-Saunders 9版习题讲解 8-1
      • 20240104-Saunders 9版习题讲解 8-2
      • 20240126-Saunders 9版习题讲解 9-1
      • 20240126-Saunders 9版习题讲解 9-2
      • 20240329-Saunders 9版习题讲解 10-1
      • 20240329-Saunders 9版习题讲解 10-2
      • 20240430-Saunders 9版习题讲解 11-1
      • 20240430-Saunders 9版习题讲解 11-2
      • 20240531-Saunders 9版习题讲解 12-1
      • 20240531-Saunders 9版习题讲解 12-2
      • 20240628-Saunders 9版习题讲解 13-1
      • 20240628-Saunders 9版习题讲解 13-2
      • 20240626-《高质量精华考点母题》 美国护士手把手教你刷题逆袭
      • 20200222-Pharmacology
      • 20200226-2月第一次直播习题讲解
      • 20200229-2月第二次直播习题讲解
      • 20200305-3月第一次直播习题讲解
      • 20200309-3月第二次直播习题讲解
      • 20200319-3月第三次直播习题讲解
      • 20200409-4月第一次直播习题讲解
      • 20200423-4月第二次直播习题讲解
      • 20200428-4月第三次直播习题讲解
      • 20200509-5月第一次直播习题讲解
      • 20200516-5月第二次直播习题讲解
      • 20200527-5月第三次直播习题讲解
      • 20200603-6月第一次直播习题讲解
      • 20200617-6月第二次直播习题讲解
      • 20200628-6月第四次直播习题讲解
      • 20200704-7月第一次直播习题讲解
      • 20200729-7月第二次直播习题讲解
      • 20200911-9月第一次直播习题讲解
    • Saunders习题讲解 全部展开

      • Saunders 习题讲解 1-Holly-1
      • Saunders 习题讲解 1-Holly-2
      • Saunders 习题讲解 2-Holly-1
      • Saunders 习题讲解 2-Holly-2
      • Saunders 习题讲解 3-Holly
      • Saunders 习题讲解 4-Holly
      • Saunders 习题讲解 5-Holly
      • Saunders 习题讲解 6-Holly
      • Saunders 习题讲解 7-Holly
      • Saunders 习题讲解 8-Holly
    • 考前辅导1 全部展开

      • 心电图总结和习题-上
      • 心电图总结和习题-下
      • RN做题注意点
      • 考试技巧总结课
      • 考前冲刺学习指导-Judy
    • 考前辅导2 全部展开

      • 20210820-ISPN考前指导
    • RN 2019.08-2021.06面授课 全部展开

      • 20200613-Edition 8 Page 26 Unit 1 Chapter 4 Test-Taking Strategies Nclex- RN考试解题技巧-Holly-01
      • 20200613-Edition 8 Page 26 Unit 1 Chapter 4 Test-Taking Strategies Nclex- RN考试解题技巧-Holly-02
      • 20200613-Edition 8 Page 26 Unit 1 Chapter 4 Test-Taking Strategies Nclex- RN考试解题技巧-Holly-03
      • 20201010-Chapter 5 Care of special populations-Holly-01
      • 20201010-Chapter 5 Care of special populations-Holly-02
      • 20191012-Edition 7 Chapter 5: Cultural Awareness and Health Practices-Holly-01
      • 20191012-Edition 7 Chapter 5: Cultural Awareness and Health Practices-Holly-02
      • 20191012-Edition 7 Chapter 6: Ethical and Legal Issues (I)-01
      • 20191012-Edition 7 Chapter 6: Ethical and Legal Issues (I)-02
      • 20191026-Edition 7 Chapter 7: Prioritizing Client Care Leadership, Delegation, and Emergency Response Planning-Holly-01
      • 20191026-Edition 7 Chapter 7: Prioritizing Client Care Leadership, Delegation, and Emergency Response Planning-Holly-02
      • 20191026-Edition 7 Chapter 7: Prioritizing Client Care Leadership, Delegation, and Emergency Response Planning-Holly-03
      • 20190824-Edition 7 Chapter 8 Edition 8 Chapter 8: Fluids and Electrolytes-Holly-01
      • 20190824-Edition 7 Chapter 8 Edition 8 Chapter 8: Fluids and Electrolytes-Holly-02
      • 20190824-Edition 7 Chapter 8 Edition 8 Chapter 8: Fluids and Electrolytes-Holly-03
      • 20190824-Edition 7 Chapter 9 Edition 8 Chapter 9: Acid-Base Balance-Holly-01
      • 20190824-Edition 7 Chapter 9 Edition 8 Chapter 9: Acid-Base Balance-Holly-02
      • 20190817-Edition 7 Chapter 10 Edition 8 Chapter 10: Vital Signs and Laboratory Reference Interval-George-01
      • 20190817-Edition 7 Chapter 10 Edition 8 Chapter 10: Vital Signs and Laboratory Reference Interval-George-02
      • 20190817-Edition 7 Chapter 10 Edition 8 Chapter 10: Vital Signs and Laboratory Reference Interval-George-03
      • 20190817-Edition 7 Chapter 11 Edition 8 Chapter 11: Nutrition-George
      • 20190907-Edition 7 Chapter 12 Edtion 8 Chapter 69 Page 1002-1006: parenteralnutrition-George
      • 20190727-Edition 7 Chapter 13 Edition 8 Chapter 69 Page 993-1002: Intravenous Therapy-Judy-01
      • 20190727-Edition 7 Chapter 13 Edition 8 Chapter 69 Page 993-1002: Intravenous Therapy-Judy-02
      • 20190727-Edition 7 Chapter 14 Edition 8 Chapter 69 Page 1006-1011: Administration of Blood Products-Judy
      • 20190921-Edition 7 Chapter 15 Edition 8 Chapter 12: Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Clients-Holly-01
      • 20190921-Edition 7 Chapter 15 Edition 8 Chapter 12: Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Clients-Holly-02
      • 20190921-Edition 7 Chapter 15 Edition 8 Chapter 12: Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Clients-Holly-03
      • 20190810-Edition 7 Chapter 16 Edition 8 Chapter 13: Provision of a Safe Environment-George
      • 20190921-Edition 7 Chapter 17 Edition 8 Chapter 14 Calculation of Medication and Intravenous-Holly
      • 20210409-Edition 7 Chapter 45 Edition 8 Chapter 41 Pediatric Medication Administration and Calculations-Feifei
      • 20190928-Edition 7 Chapter 18 Edition 8 Chapter 15: Perioperative Nursing Care-George-01
      • 20190928-Edition 7 Chapter 18 Edition 8 Chapter 15: Perioperative Nursing Care-George-02
      • 20190928-Edition 7 Chapter 18 Edition 8 Chapter 15: Perioperative Nursing Care-George-03
      • 20190810-Edition 7 Chapter 19 Edition 8 Chapter 16: Positioning Client-George
      • 20190907-Edition 7 Chapter 20 Edition 8 Chapter 69 Page 1011-1023: Care of a client with a tube-George-01
      • 20190907-Edition 7 Chapter 20 Edition 8 Chapter 69 Page 1011-1023: Care of a client with a tube-George-02
      • 20190907-Edition 7 Chapter 20 Edition 8 Chapter 69 Page 1011-1023: Care of a client with a tube-George-03
      • 20210326-Edition 7 Chapter 21 Edition 8 Chapter 17 Theories of Growth and Development-Feifei-01
      • 20210331-Edition 7 Chapter 21 Edition 8 Chapter 17 Theories of Growth and Development-Feifei-02
      • 20210410-Edition 7 Chapter 22 Edition 8 Chapter 18 Growth, Development, and Stages of life-Feifei-01
      • 20210410-Edition 7 Chapter 22 Edition 8 Chapter 18 Growth, Development, and Stages of life-Feifei-02
      • 20210410-Edition 7 Chapter 22 Edition 8 Chapter 18 Growth, Development, and Stages of life-Feifei-03
      • 20190928-Edition 7 Chapter 23 Edition 8 Chapter 19: Care of the Older Client-George
      • 20200905-Edition 8 Chapter 69 Complex Care 1-Holly-01
      • 20200905-Edition 8 Chapter 69 Complex Care 1-Holly-02
      • 20200905-Edition 8 Chapter 69 Complex Care 1-Holly-03
      • 20200919-Edition 8 Chapter 69 Complex Care 2-Holly-01
      • 20200919-Edition 8 Chapter 69 Complex Care 2-Holly-02
      • 20200919-Edition 8 Chapter 69 Complex Care 2-Holly-03
      • 20200919-Edition 8 Chapter 69 Complex Care 2-Holly-04
    • Mental Health (Edition 8) 全部展开

      • Chapter 64 Foundations of Mental Health Nursing
      • Chapter 65 Mental Health Problems 1
      • Chapter 65 Mental Health Problems 2
      • Chapter 65 Mental Health Problems 3
      • Chapter 65 Mental Health Problems 4
      • Chapter 65 Mental Health Problems 5
      • Chapter 65 Mental Health Problems 6
      • Chapter 66 Addictions 1
      • Chapter 66 Addictions 2
      • Chapter 67 Crisis Theory and Intervention 1
      • Chapter 67 Crisis Theory and Intervention 2
      • Chapter 68 Psychiatric Medications 1
      • Chapter 68 Psychiatric Medications 2
      • Mental Health 随堂测试讲解
    • Maternity Nursing (Edition 8 ) 全部展开

      • Chapter 20 Reproductive system
      • Chapter 21 Prenatal peirod 1
      • Chapter 21 Prenatal peirod 2
      • Chapter 21 Prenatal peirod 3
      • Chapter 21 Prenatal peirod 4
      • Chapter 21 Prenatal peirod 5
      • Chapter 21 Prenatal peirod 6
      • Chapter 22 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy 1
      • Chapter 22 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy 2
      • Chapter 22 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy 3
      • Chapter 22 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy 4
      • Chapter 22 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy 5
      • Chapter 22 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy 6
      • Chapter 22 Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy 7
      • Chapter 23 Labor and Birth 1
      • Chapter 23 Labor and Birth 2
      • Chapter 23 Labor and Birth 3
      • Chapter 23 Labor and Birth 4
      • Chapter 24 Problems with Labor and Birth
      • Chapter 25 Postpartum Period
      • Chapter 26 Postpartum Complications
      • Chapter 27 Care of the Newborn 1
      • Chapter 27 Care of the Newborn 2
      • Chapter 27 Care of the Newborn 3
      • Chapter 27 Care of the Newborn 4
      • Chapter 27 Care of the Newborn 5
      • Chapter 27 Care of the Newborn 6
      • Chapter 28 Maternity and Newborn Medications 1
      • Chapter 28 Maternity and Newborn Medications 2
      • Chapter 28 Maternity and Newborn Medications 3
    • Oncological & Hematological (Edition 8) 全部展开

      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems 1
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems 2
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems 3
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems 4
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems 5
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems 6
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems 7
      • Chapter 44 Oncological and Hematological Problems 8
      • Chapter 31 Oncological Disorders 1-Feifei
      • Chapter 31 Oncological Disorders 2
      • Chapter 30 Hematological Disorders
      • Chapter 45 Oncological & Hematological medications
    • Cardiovascular(Edition 8 Chapter 52& Chapter 36 & Chapter 53) 全部展开

      • 20200307-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems-George-01
      • 20200307-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems-George-02
      • 20200314-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems-George-01
      • 20200314-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems-George-02
      • 20200314-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems-George-03
      • 20200314-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems-George-04
      • 20200327-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems-George-01
      • 20200327-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems-George-02
      • 20200328-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems-George-03
      • 20200328-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems-George-04
      • 20200328-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems-George-05
      • 20200410-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems(adults part3)-George-01
      • 20200410-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems(adults part3)-George-02
      • 20200410-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems(adults part3)-George-03
      • 20200410-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems(adults part3)-George-04
      • 20200410-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems(adults part3)-George-05
      • 20200410-Chapter 52 Cardiovascular problems(adults part3)-George-06
      • 20200523-Chapter 52 Adults Cardiovascular Problems-George-01
      • 20200523-Chapter 52 Adults Cardiovascular Problems-George-02
      • 20200523-Chapter 52 Adults Cardiovascular Problems-George-03
      • 20200523-Chapter 36 Pediatric Cardiovascular Problems-George-01
      • 20200523-Chapter 36 Pediatric Cardiovascular Problems-George-02
      • 20200529-Chapter 36 Pediatric nursing cardiovascular problems-George-01
      • 20200529-Chapter 36 Pediatric nursing cardiovascular problems-George-02
      • 20200529-Chapter 36 Pediatric nursing cardiovascular problems-George-03
      • 20200529-Chapter 36 Pediatric nursing cardiovascular problems-George-04
      • 20200529-Chapter 36 Pediatric nursing cardiovascular problems-George-05
      • 20200620-Chapter 53 Cardiovascular medications-George-01
      • 20200620-Chapter 53 Cardiovascular medications-George-02
      • 20200620-Chapter 53 Cardiovascular medications-George-03
      • 20200620-Chapter 53 Cardiovascular medications-George-04
    • Immune(Edition 7) 全部展开

      • 20191019-Chapter 66: Immune disorders-George-01
      • 20191019-Chapter 66: Immune disorders-George-02
      • 20191019-Chapter 66: Immune disorders-George-03
      • 20191019-Chapter 66: Immune disorders-George-04
      • 20191019-Chapter 66: Immune disorders-George-05
      • 20191109-Chapter 44: Infectious and communicable diseases-George-01
      • 20191109-Chapter 44: Infectious and communicable diseases-George-02
      • 20191109-Chapter 44: Infectious and communicable diseases-George-03
      • 20191109-Chapter 44: Infectious and communicable diseases-George-04
      • 20191109-Chapter 57 Immunological medications-George-01
      • 20191109-Chapter 57 Immunological medications-George-02
    • Musculoskeletal(Edition 8) 全部展开

      • 20200104-Chapter 60: Musculoskeletal Problems-George-01
      • 20200104-Chapter 60: Musculoskeletal Problems-George-02
      • 20200104-Chapter 60: Musculoskeletal Problems-George-03
      • 20200104-Chapter 60: Musculoskeletal Problems-George-04
      • 20200104-Chapter 60: Musculoskeletal Problems-George-05
      • 20200104-Chapter 60: Musculoskeletal Problems-George-06
      • 20200118-Chapter 39: Musculoskeletal Problems (Pediatrics) II Chapter 61: Musculoskeletal Medications-George-01
      • 20200118-Chapter 39: Musculoskeletal Problems (Pediatrics) II Chapter 61: Musculoskeletal Medications-George-02
      • 20210302-Chapter 61 Musculoskeletal Medications-Feifei
    • Eye and Ear(Edition 8) 全部展开

      • 20191228-Chapter 56: Eye and Ear Problems-Holly-01
      • 20191228-Chapter 56: Eye and Ear Problems-Holly-02
      • 20191228-Chapter 56: Eye and Ear Problems-Holly-03
      • 20191228-Chapter 56: Eye and Ear Problems-Holly-04
      • 20200111-Chapter 34: Eye, Ear and Throat Problems (Pediatrics) II-Holly-01
      • 20200111-Chapter 34: Eye, Ear and Throat Problems (Pediatrics) II-Holly-02
      • 20200111-Chapter 57: Eye and Ear Medications-Holly-01
      • 20200111-Chapter 57: Eye and Ear Medications-Holly-02
      • 20200111-Chapter 57: Eye and Ear Medications-Holly-03
    • Respiratory (Edition 8) 全部展开

      • 20200415-Chapter 50 Respiratory System Disorder-Holly-01
      • 20200415-Chapter 50 Respiratory System Disorder-Holly-02
      • 20200415-Chapter 50 Respiratory System Disorder-Holly-03
      • 20200418-Chapter 50 Adult Respiratory disorders-Holly-01
      • 20200418-Chapter 50 Adult Respiratory disorders-Holly-02
      • 20200418-Chapter 50 Adult Respiratory disorders-Holly-03
      • 20200509-Chapter 35 Respiratory disorders-Holly-01
      • 20200509-Chapter 35 Respiratory disorders-Holly-02
      • 20200509-Chapter 35 Respiratory disorders-Holly-03
      • 20200509-Chapter 35 Respiratory disorders-Holly-04
      • 20200606-Chapter 51 Respiratory medications-Holly-01
      • 20200606-Chapter 51 Respiratory medications-Holly-02
      • 20200606-Chapter 51 Respiratory medications-Holly-03
    • Endocrine (Edition 7) 全部展开

      • 20191130-Chapter 50: Endocrine System-Holly-01
      • 20191130-Chapter 50: Endocrine System-Holly-02
      • 20191130-Chapter 50: Endocrine System-Holly-03
      • 20191130-Chapter 50: Endocrine System-Holly-04
      • 20191130-Chapter 50: Endocrine System-Holly-05
      • 20191130-Chapter 36: Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders (Pediatric)-Holly
      • 20191214-Chapter 47: Endocrine medications-Holly-01
      • 20191214-Chapter 47: Endocrine medications-Holly-02
      • 20191214-Chapter 47: Endocrine medications-Holly-03
    • Integumentary(Edition 7) 全部展开

      • 20191123-Chapter 46: Integumentary system-George-01
      • 20191123-Chapter 46: Integumentary system-George-02
      • 20191123-Chapter 46: Integumentary system-George-03
      • 20191123-Chapter 46: Integumentary system-George-04
      • 20191123-Chapter 46: Integumentary system-George-05
      • 20191123-Chapter 46: Integumentary system-George-06
      • 20191221-Chapter 46: Integumentary system-George-07
      • 20191221-Chapter 29: Integumentary Problems (Pediatric)-George-01
      • 20191221-Chapter 29: Integumentary Problems (Pediatric)-George-02
      • 20191221-Chapter 43: Integumentary Medications-George-01
      • 20191221-Chapter 43: Integumentary Medications-George-02
    • Renal and Urinary(Edition 8) 全部展开

      • 20200725-Chapter 54 Renal and urinary problems-George-01
      • 20200725-Chapter 54 Renal and urinary problems-George-02
      • 20200725-Chapter 54 Renal and urinary problems-George-03
      • 20200725-Chapter 54 Renal and urinary problems-George-04
      • 20200725-Chapter 54 Renal and urinary problems-George-05
      • 20200725-Chapter 54 Renal and urinary problems-George-06
      • 20200711-Chapter 54: Renal and Urinary Problems-George-01
      • 20200711-Chapter 54: Renal and Urinary Problems-George-02
      • 20200711-Chapter 54: Renal and Urinary Problems-George-03
      • 20200711-Chapter 54: Renal and Urinary Problems-George-04
      • 20200711-Chapter 54: Renal and Urinary Problems-George-05
      • 20200711-Chapter 54: Renal and Urinary Problems-George-06
      • 20200815-Chapter 37 Renal and Genitourinary Problems-George-01
      • 20200815-Chapter 37 Renal and Genitourinary Problems-George-02
      • 20200815-Chapter 55 Renal and Urinary Medications-George-01
      • 20200815-Chapter 55 Renal and Urinary Medications-George-02
    • Gastrointestinal(Edition 8) 全部展开

      • 20210417-Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems-Feifei-01
      • 20210417-Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems-Feifei-02
      • 20210425-Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems (II)-Feifei-01
      • 20210425-Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems (II)-Feifei-02
      • 20210425-Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems (II)-Feifei-03
      • 20210508-Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems (III)-Feifei-01
      • 20210508-Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems (III)-Feifei-02
      • 20210508-Chapter 48 Gastrointestinal Problems (III)-Feifei-03
      • 20200829-Chapter 48: Gastrointestinal Problems-George-01
      • 20200829-Chapter 48: Gastrointestinal Problems-George-02
      • 20200829-Chapter 48: Gastrointestinal Problems-George-03
      • 20200829-Chapter 48: Gastrointestinal Problems-George-04
      • 20200829-Chapter 48: Gastrointestinal Problems-George-05
      • 20200926-UNIT X Gastrointestinal Problems Of the Adult Client-Chapter 48-Wendy
      • 20210220-Chapter 33 Gastrointestinal Problems-Feifei-01
      • 20210220-Chapter 33 Gastrointestinal Problems-Feifei-02
      • 20210220-Chapter 33 Gastrointestinal Problems-Feifei-03
      • 20210226-Chapter 33 Gastrointestinal Problems (II)-Feifei
      • 20210307-Chapter 49 Gastrointestinal Medications-Feifei
    • Neurologic(Edition 8) 全部展开

      • 20200718-Chapter 58 Neurologic Problems-Holly-01
      • 20200718-Chapter 58 Neurologic Problems-Holly-02
      • 20200718-Chapter 58 Neurologic Problems-Holly-03
      • 20200718-Chapter 58 Neurologic Problems-Holly-04
      • 20200718-Chapter 58 Neurologic Problems-Holly-05
      • 20200721-Chapter 58 Neurologic Problems-Holly-06
      • 20210226-Chapter 38 Neurological and Cognitive Problems-Feifei-01
      • 20210226-Chapter 38 Neurological and Cognitive Problems-Feifei-02
      • 20200808-Chapter 59 neurological medications-Holly-01
      • 20200808-Chapter 59 neurological medications-Holly-02
      • 20200808-Chapter 59 neurological medications-Holly-03
    • RN 2018.06-2019.07面授课 全部展开

      • 深圳-2019-07-13-Chapter 72: Psychiatric medications-George-01
      • 深圳-2019-07-13-Chapter 72: Psychiatric medications-George-02
      • 深圳-2019-07-13-Chapter 72: Psychiatric medications-George-03
      • 深圳-2019-07-13-Chapter 71: Crisis theory and intervention-George
      • 深圳-2019-06-23-Chapter 70: Addictions-George-01
      • 深圳-2019-06-23-Chapter 70: Addictions-George-02
      • 深圳-2019-06-23-Chapter 69: Mental Health Disorders (II)-George-01
      • 深圳-2019-06-23-Chapter 69: Mental Health Disorders (II)-George-02
      • 深圳-2019-06-23-Chapter 69: Mental Health Disorders (II)-George-03
      • 深圳-2019-05-11-Chapter 69: Mental Health Disorders (I)-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2019-05-11-Chapter 69: Mental Health Disorders (I)-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-2019-05-11-Chapter 68: Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2019-05-11-Chapter 68: Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing-Feifei-中
      • 深圳-2019-05-11-Chapter 68: Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing-Feifei-下
      • 上海-2018-08-25-免疫系统题目分析-Judy
      • 上海-2018-08-25-Chapter 67: Immunological medications-Judy
      • 上海-2018-08-25-Chapter 66:Immune disorders (II)-Judy
      • 上海-2018-08-18-Chapter 66: Immue Disorders (I)-Judy
      • 深圳-2019-04-13-Chapter 65: Musculoskeletal medications-Feifei
      • 深圳-2019-04-13-Chapter 64: Musculoskeletal system (II) -Feifei
      • 深圳-2019-03-16-Chapter 64: Musculoskeletal system (I)-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2019-03-16-Chapter 64: Musculoskeletal system (I)-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-2019-01-12-Chapter 63: Neurological medications-Feifei
      • 深圳-2018-12-29-Chapter 62: Neurological system (II)-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2018-12-29-Chapter 62: Neurological system (II)-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-2018-12-08-Chapter 62: Neurological system (I)-Feifei
      • 深圳-2018-12-08-Chapter 61: Eye and Ear medications-Feifei
      • 深圳-2018-10-20-Chapter 60: The eye and the ear (II)-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2018-10-20-Chapter 60: The eye and the ear (II)-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-2018-10-13-Chapter 60: The eye and the ear (I)-Feifei
      • 深圳-2019-03-02-Chapter 59: Renal and urinary medications-Feifei
      • 深圳-2019-03-02-Chapter 58: Renal and urinary system (II)-Feifei
      • 深圳-2019-01-26-Chapter 58: Renal and urinary system (I)-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2019-01-26-Chapter 58: Renal and urinary system (I)-Feifei-下
      • 上海-2019-03-30-Chapter 57:Cardiovascular-Medications-Judy
      • 上海-2019-03-09-Chapter 56: Cardiovascular system (III)-Judy-上
      • 上海-2019-03-09-Chapter 56: Cardiovascular system (III)-Judy-下
      • 上海-2019-02-16-Chapter 56: Cardiovascular system (II)-Judy-上
      • 上海-2019-02-16-Chapter 56: Cardiovascular system (II)-Judy-下
      • 上海-2019-01-19-Chapter 56: Cardiovascular system (I)-Judy-上
      • 上海-2019-01-19-Chapter 56: Cardiovascular system (I)-Judy-下
      • 上海-2018-11-11-Chapter 55: Respiratory medications-Judy
      • 上海-2018-10-27-Chapter 54: Respiratory System (I)-Judy-上
      • 上海-2018-10-27-Chapter 54: Respiratory System (I)-Judy-中
      • 上海-2018-10-27-Chapter 54: Respiratory System (I)-Judy-下
      • 上海-2019-01-19-Chapter 53: Gastrointestinal medications-Judy
      • 上海-2018-12-16-Chapter 52: Gastrointestinal system (II)-Judy
      • 上海-2018-11-24-Chapter 52: Gastrointestinal System-Judy-上
      • 上海-2018-11-24-Chapter 52: Gastrointestinal System-Judy-下
      • 深圳-2018-09-15-Chapter 49: Hematological and Oncological Medications-Feifei
      • 深圳-2018-09-08-Chapter 48: Hematological & oncological disorders (I)-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2018-09-08-Chapter 48: Hematological & oncological disorders (I)-Feifei-下
      • 上海-2018-10-13-Chapter 47: Integumentary medications-Judy
      • 深圳-2018-09-15-Chapter 48: Hematological & oncological disorders (II)-Feifei
      • 上海-2018-09-29-Chapter 46: Integumentary system-Judy-上
      • 上海-2018-09-29-Chapter 46: Integumentary system-Judy-下
      • 深圳-2018-07-28-Chapter 45: Pediatric Medication Administration and Calculation-Feifei
      • 深圳-2018-08-11-Chapter 44:Infectious and Communicable Disease-Feifei
      • 深圳-2019-04-13-Chapter 43: Musculoskeletal disorders-Feifei
      • 深圳-2019-01-12-Chapter 42: Neurological and cognitive disorders-Feifei
      • 深圳-2019-03-02-Chapter 41: Renal and urinary disorders-Feifei
      • 上海-2019-03-30-Chapter 40 Cardiovascular-pediatric-Judy
      • 上海-2019-03-09-Chapter 40: Cardiovascular disorders-Judy
      • 上海-2018-11-11-Chapter 39: Respiratory disorder-Judy
      • 深圳-2018-10-20-Chapter 38 Eye, ear, and throat disorders-Feifei
      • 上海-2018-12-16-Chapter 37: Gastrointetinal disorders-Judy-上
      • 上海-2018-12-16-Chapter 37: Gastrointetinal disorders-Judy-下
      • 深圳-2018-09-15-Chapter 35: Oncological Disorders-Feifei
      • 深圳-2018-09-15-Chapter 34: Hematological Disorders-Feifei
      • 上海-2018-10-13-Chapter 33: Integumentary disorders-Judy
      • 上海-2019-06-29-Chapter 32: Maternity and newborn medications-Judy-01
      • 上海-2019-07-27-Chapter 32: Maternity and newborn medications-Judy-02
      • 上海-2019-06-29-Chapter 31: Care of the newborn-Judy-01
      • 上海-2019-06-29-Chapter 31: Care of the newborn-Judy-02
      • 上海-2019-06-29-Chapter 31: Care of the newborn-Judy-03
      • 上海-2019-06-29-Chapter 31: Care of the newborn-Judy-04
      • 上海-2019-06-29-Chapter 31: Care of the newborn-Judy-05
      • 上海-2019-06-15-Chapter 28: Problems with labor and birth Chapter 29: Postpartum period Chapter 30: Postpartum complications-Judy-01
      • 上海-2019-06-15-Chapter 28: Problems with labor and birth Chapter 29: Postpartum period Chapter 30: Postpartum complications-Judy-02
      • 上海-2019-05-18-Chapter 27: Labor and birth-Judy-上
      • 上海-2019-05-18-Chapter 27: Labor and birth-Judy-下
      • 上海-2019-05-18-Chapter 26: Risk conditions related to pregnancy-Judy-01
      • 上海-2019-05-18-Chapter 26: Risk conditions related to pregnancy-Judy-02
      • 上海-2019-05-18-Chapter 26: Risk conditions related to pregnancy-Judy-03
      • 上海-2019-05-18-Chapter 26: Risk conditions related to pregnancy-Judy-04
      • 上海-2019-04-27-Chapter 26: Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy-Judy-上
      • 上海-2019-04-27-Chapter 26: Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy-Judy-下
      • 上海-2019-04-27-Chapter 25: Prenatal period-Judy-01
      • 上海-2019-04-27-Chapter 25: Prenatal period-Judy-02
      • 上海-2019-04-27-Chapter 25: Prenatal period-Judy-03
      • 上海-2019-04-27-Chapter 24: Reproductive system-Judy
      • 上海-2018-08-18-Chapter 23: Care of the Older Client-Judy
      • 上海-2018-08-18-Chapter 22: Developmental Stages (II)-Judy
      • 上海-2018-07-14-Chapter 22: Development Stages-Judy
      • 上海-2018-07-14-Chapter 21: Theories of Growth and Development-Judy-上
      • 上海-2018-07-14-Chapter 21: Theories of Growth and Development-Judy-下
      • 深圳-2018-07-28-Chapter 20: Care of a Client with a Tube-Feifei
      • 深圳-2018-08-11-Chapter 19:Positioning Clients-Feifei
      • 深圳-2018-07-21-Chapter 18: Perioperative Nursing Care-Feifei
      • 深圳-2018-07-28-Chapter 17: Calculation of Medication and Intravenous Prescriptions-Feifei
      • 深圳-2018-08-11-Chapter 16: Provison of a Safe Environment-Feifei
      • 深圳-2018-07-21-Chapter 15: Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Client-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2018-07-21-Chapter 15: Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Client-Feifei-下
      • 上海-2018-06-23-Chapter 14: Administration of Blood Products-Judy
      • 上海-2018-06-23-Chapter 13: Intravenous Therapy-Judy-01
      • 上海-2018-06-23-Chapter 13: Intravenous Therapy-Judy-02
      • 上海-2018-06-16-Chapter 12:Parenteral nutrition-Judy
      • 上海-2018-06-16-Chapter 11:Nutrition-Judy
      • 上海-2018-06-16-Chapter 10:Vital signs and laboratory reference interval-Judy
      • 上海-2018-06-09-Chapter 9:Acid-Base Balance-Judy
      • 上海-2018-06-09-Chapter 8:Fluids and Electrolytes-Judy-上
      • 上海-2018-06-09-Chapter 8:Fluids and Electrolytes-Judy-下
      • 20190406-Chapter 7 Prioritizing Client Care Leadership, Delegation, and Emergency Response Planning-上
      • 20190406-Chapter 7 Prioritizing Client Care Leadership, Delegation, and Emergency Response Planning-下
      • 20190406-Chapter 6 Ethical and Legal Issues-上
      • 20190406-Chapter 6 Ethical and Legal Issues-下
      • 20190406-Chapter 5 Cultural Awareness and Health Practices
    • RN 2017.06-2018.06面授课 全部展开

      • 广州-2017-06-03-Chapter 5:Cultural Awareness and Health Practices Chapter 6: Ethical and Legal Issues Chapter 7: Prioritizing Client Care: Leadership, Delegation, and Emergency Response Planning-Yoyo-上
      • 广州-2017-06-03-Chapter 5:Cultural Awareness and Health Practices Chapter 6: Ethical and Legal Issues Chapter 7: Prioritizing Client Care: Leadership, Delegation, and Emergency Response Planning-Yoyo-中
      • 广州-2017-06-03-Chapter 5:Cultural Awareness and Health Practices Chapter 6: Ethical and Legal Issues Chapter 7: Prioritizing Client Care: Leadership, Delegation, and Emergency Response Planning-Yoyo-下
      • 上海-2017-07-01-Chapter 8:Fluids and Electrolytes-Judy-上
      • 上海-2017-07-01-Chapter 8:Fluids and Electrolytes-Judy-下
      • 上海-2017-08-05-Chapter 9:Acid-Base Balance Chapter 10: Vital Signs and Laboratory Reference Interval-Judy-上
      • 上海-2017-08-05-Chapter 9:Acid-Base Balance Chapter 10: Vital Signs and Laboratory Reference Interval-Judy-下
      • 上海-2017-09-02-Chapter 11:Nutrition Chapter 12: Parenteral nutrition-Judy-上
      • 上海-2017-09-02-Chapter 11:Nutrition Chapter 12: Parenteral nutrition-Judy-下
      • 北京-2017-07-08-Chapter 13:Intravenous Therapy Chapter 14: Administration of Blood Products-Alice-上
      • 北京-2017-07-08-Chapter 13:Intravenous Therapy Chapter 14: Administration of Blood Products-Alice-下
      • 深圳-2017-06-24-Chapter 15:Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Client Chapter 18:Perioperative Nursing Care Chapter 19:Positioning Clients-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2017-06-24-Chapter 15:Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Client Chapter 18:Perioperative Nursing Care Chapter 19:Positioning Clients-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-2017-07-22-Chapter 16:Provision of a Safe Environment Chapter 44: Infectious and Communicable Diseases Chapter 19: Positioning Clients-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2017-07-22-Chapter 16:Provision of a Safe Environment Chapter 44: Infectious and Communicable Diseases Chapter 19: Positioning Clients-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-2017-08-19-Chapter 17:Calculation of Medication and Intravenous Prescriptions Chapter 45: Pediatric Medication Administration and Calculation Chapter 20: Care of a Client with a Tube-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2017-08-19-Chapter 17:Calculation of Medication and Intravenous Prescriptions Chapter 45: Pediatric Medication Administration and Calculation Chapter 20: Care of a Client with a Tube-Feifei-下
      • 北京-2017-07-29-Chapter 21:Theories of Growth and Development Chapter 22: Developmental Stages Chapter 23: Care of the Older Client-Alice-上
      • 北京-2017-07-29-Chapter 21:Theories of Growth and Development Chapter 22: Developmental Stages Chapter 23: Care of the Older Client-Alice-中
      • 北京-2017-07-29-Chapter 21:Theories of Growth and Development Chapter 22: Developmental Stages Chapter 23: Care of the Older Client-Alice-下
      • 上海-2018-04-08-Chapter 24:Reproductive system Chapter 25: Prenatal period Chapter 26: Risk conditions related to pregnancy-Judy-上
      • 上海-2018-04-08-Chapter 24:Reproductive system Chapter 25: Prenatal period Chapter 26: Risk conditions related to pregnancy-Judy-下
      • 上海-2018-04-21-Chapter 27: Labor and birth Chapter 28: problems with labor and birth Chapter 29: Postpartum period-Judy-上
      • 上海-2018-04-21-Chapter 27: Labor and birth Chapter 28: problems with labor and birth Chapter 29: Postpartum period-Judy-下
      • 上海-2018-05-19-Chapter 29: Postpartum period Chapter 30: Postpartum complications Chapter 31: Care of the newborn-Judy-上
      • 上海-2018-05-19-Chapter 29: Postpartum period Chapter 30: Postpartum complications Chapter 31: Care of the newborn-Judy-下
      • 上海-2018-06-02-Chapter 32:Maternity and Newborn Medications-Judy-上
      • 上海-2018-06-02-Chapter 32:Maternity and Newborn Medications-Judy-下
      • 上海-2017-11-25-Chapter 46:Integumentary system (I)-Judy-上
      • 上海-2017-11-25-Chapter 46:Integumentary system (I)-Judy-下
      • 上海-2017-12-23-Chapter 46:Integumentary system (II) Chapter 34 : Integumentary disorders Chapter 47: Integumentary medications-Judy-上
      • 上海-2017-12-23-Chapter 46:Integumentary system (II) Chapter 34 : Integumentary disorders Chapter 47: Integumentary medications-Judy-下
      • 深圳-2017-09-16-Chapter 48:Hematological & oncological disorders (I)-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2017-09-16-Chapter 48:Hematological & oncological disorders (I)-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-2017-10-14-Chapter 48:Hematological & oncological disorders (II) Chapter 34: Hematological Disorders Chapter 35: Oncological Disorders Chapter 49: Hematological and Oncological Medications-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2017-10-14-Chapter 48:Hematological & oncological disorders (II) Chapter 34: Hematological Disorders Chapter 35: Oncological Disorders Chapter 49: Hematological and Oncological Medications-Feifei-下
      • 北京-2017-08-26-Chapter 50:Endocrine system (I)-Alice-上
      • 北京-2017-08-26-Chapter 50:Endocrine system (I)-Alice-下
      • 深圳-2017-09-23-Chapter 50:Endocrine system (II) Chapter 36 : Metabolic and endocrine disorders Chapter 51: Endocrine medications-Alice-上
      • 深圳-2017-09-23-Chapter 50:Endocrine system (II) Chapter 36 : Metabolic and endocrine disorders Chapter 51: Endocrine medications-Alice-下
      • 深圳-2017-12-09-Chapter 52:Gastrointestinal system-Etay-上
      • 深圳-2017-12-09-Chapter 52:Gastrointestinal system-Etay-下
      • 2018-02-24-Chapter 37:Gastrointestinal disorders Chapter 53 : Gastrointestinal medications-Eaty-上
      • 2018-02-24-Chapter 37:Gastrointestinal disorders Chapter 53 : Gastrointestinal medications-Eaty-下
      • 上海-2017-09-30-Chapter 54:Respiratory system (I) 上-Judy
      • 上海-2017-09-30-Chapter 54:Respiratory system (I) 下-Judy
      • 上海-2017-10-28-Chapter 54:Respiratory system (II) Chapter 39: Respiratory disorders Chapter 55: Respiratory medications-Judy-上
      • 上海-2017-10-28-Chapter 54:Respiratory system (II) Chapter 39: Respiratory disorders Chapter 55: Respiratory medications-Judy-下
      • 2018-02-10-Chapter 56:Cardiovascular system-Rachel-上
      • 2018-02-10-Chapter 56:Cardiovascular system-Rachel-下
      • 2018-03-03-Chapter 56:Cardiovascular system (II)-Rachel-上
      • 2018-03-03-Chapter 56:Cardiovascular system (II)-Rachel-下
      • 上海-2018-03-17-Chapter 40:Cardiovascular disorders Chapter 57: Cardiovascular medications-Judy-上
      • 上海-2018-03-17-Chapter 40:Cardiovascular disorders Chapter 57: Cardiovascular medications-Judy-下
      • 深圳-2018-05-05-Chapter 58: Renal and urinary system (I)-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2018-05-05-Chapter 58: Renal and urinary system (I)-Feifei-中
      • 深圳-2018-05-05-Chapter 58: Renal and urinary system (I)-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-2018-05-26-Chapter 58:Renal and urinary system (II) Chapter 41: Renal and urinary disorders Chapter 59: Renal and urinary medications-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2018-05-26-Chapter 58:Renal and urinary system (II) Chapter 41: Renal and urinary disorders Chapter 59: Renal and urinary medications-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-2018-01-13-Chapter 60:The eye and the ear-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2018-01-13-Chapter 60:The eye and the ear-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-2018-02-03-Chapter 38:Eye,ear,and Throat disoers & Chapter 61:Eye and ear medications-Feifei
      • 深圳-2017-11-11-Chapter 62:Neurological system (I)-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2017-11-11-Chapter 62:Neurological system (I)-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-2017-12-16-Chapter 62:Neurological system (II) Chapter 42: Neurological and cognitive disorders Chapter 63: Neurological medications-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2017-12-16-Chapter 62:Neurological system (II) Chapter 42: Neurological and cognitive disorders Chapter 63: Neurological medications-Feifei-下
      • 北京-2017-10-21-Chapter 64:Musculoskeletal system-Alice-上
      • 北京-2017-10-21-Chapter 64:Musculoskeletal system-Alice-下
      • 2017-12-30-Chapter 43:Musculaoskeletal disorders –pediatric Chapter 65: Musculoskeletal medications-Rachel
      • 2017-12-30-Chapter 65:Musculoskeletal Medications-Rachel
      • 上海-2018-01-27-Chapter 66:Immune disorders-Judy-上
      • 上海-2018-01-27-Chapter 66:Immune disorders-Judy-下
      • 上海-2018-02-03-Chapter 67:Immunological medications-Judy
      • 深圳-2018-03-10-Chapter 68:Foundations of Psychiatric mental health nursing Chapter 69 : Mental health disorders (I)-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2018-03-10-Chapter 68:Foundations of Psychiatric mental health nursing Chapter 69 : Mental health disorders (I)-Feifei-中
      • 深圳-2018-03-10-Chapter 68:Foundations of Psychiatric mental health nursing Chapter 69 : Mental health disorders (I)-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-2018-03-31-Chapter 69:Mental health disorders (II) Chapter 70: Addictions-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2018-03-31-Chapter 69:Mental health disorders (II) Chapter 70: Addictions-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-2018-04-14-Chapter 71: Crisis theory and intervention Chapter 72: Psychiatric medications-Feifei-上
      • 深圳-2018-04-14-Chapter 71: Crisis theory and intervention Chapter 72: Psychiatric medications-Feifei-下
      • 深圳-20180523-Quertion&Answer-Feifei
      • 美国-2017-12-03-Musculoskeletal system-Yang-上
      • 美国-2017-12-03-Musculoskeletal system-Yang-下
      • 美国-2017-12-02-Musculoskeletal system (II)-Yang-上
      • 美国-2017-12-02-Musculoskeletal system (II)-Yang-下
      • 美国-2017-11-18-Chapter 43:Musculaoskeletal disorders –pediatric Chapter 65: Musculoskeletal medications-Yang

























































































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